Health report :

Follow recommendations of this health report to keep your site healthy

Examined at : 2022-09-15 05:57:20

Widgeo Website Performance found 14 major issues


page title

page title : 免費A漫 - 禁漫天堂

Your page title does not exceed 60 characters. It's fine.

Knowledge Base
Title is the heading of the webpage. The sentence or string enclosed between html title tag () is the title of your website. Search engines searches for the title of your website and displays title along with your website address on search result. Title is the most important element for both SEO and social sharing. Title should be less than 50 to 60 characters because search engine typically displays this length of string or sentence on search result. A good title can consist the primary keyword, secondary keyword and brand name. For example a fictitious gaming information providing sites title may be like "the future of gaming information is here". A webpage title should contain a proper glimpse of the website. title is important element as an identification of your website for user experience, SEO and social sharing. So have a nice and catching title.
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Meta Description

Meta Description : 免費成人H漫線上看

Your meta description does not exceed 150 characters. It's fine.

Knowledge Base
Description is the full interpretation of your website content and features. Most often it is a short paragraph that describe what are features and information provided by the website to its visitors. You may consider it a advertising of your website. Although not important for search engine ranking but very important for hits or visits through search engine results. Description should be less than 150 character because search engine shows this length of paragraph on search result. And every page of website should contain an unique description to avoid description duplication. Description is the definition of your website for user experience so form it as complete but short and precise illustration of your website.

Meta Keyword

Meta Keyword : 成人,免費A漫,H漫,A漫,同人誌,成人H漫,成人漫畫,生肉漫畫,漫畫線上看,中文A漫,H圖,H本,本本,禁漫漢化組,漢化

Knowledge Base
Meta keywords are keywords inside Meta tags. Meta keywords are not likely to be used for search engine ranking. the words of title and description can be used as meta keywords. it is a good idea for SEO other than search engine ranking.

Single Keywords

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
中文 98 18.048 % No
漢化 78 14.365 % No
同人 64 11.786 % No
C100 60 11.05 % No
巨乳 49 9.024 % No
韓漫 40 7.366 % No
全彩 33 6.077 % No
劇情向 33 6.077 % No
單本 30 5.525 % No
連載中 28 5.157 % No
口交 21 3.867 % No
中出 19 3.499 % No
過膝襪 18 3.315 % No
紳夜食堂 17 3.131 % No
青年漫 16 2.947 % No
禁漫漢化組 15 2.762 % No
校服 13 2.394 % No
遊戲文庫 13 2.394 % No
群交 13 2.394 % No
短篇 11 2.026 % No

Two Word Keywords

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
同人 漢化 49 9.024 % No
漢化 C100 22 4.052 % No
單本 漢化 20 3.683 % No
劇情向 中文 18 3.315 % No
韓漫 連載中 14 2.578 % No
C100 巨乳 13 2.394 % No
中文 禁漫漢化組 13 2.394 % No
短篇 漢化 9 1.657 % No
中出 中文 8 1.473 % No
單本 青年漫 8 1.473 % No
同人 CG圖集 7 1.289 % No
全彩 劇情向 7 1.289 % No
全彩 巨乳 7 1.289 % No
同人 日語 6 1.105 % No
FateGrand Order 5 0.921 % No
透視 中出 5 0.921 % No
連載中 中文 5 0.921 % No
非H 劇情向 4 0.737 % No
中出 日文 4 0.737 % No
偽娘 肛交 4 0.737 % No

Three Word Keywords

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
同人 漢化 C100 22 4.052 % No
yaoi 女裝 偽娘 4 0.737 % No
女裝 偽娘 肛交 4 0.737 % No
同人 日語 C100 4 0.737 % No
透視 中出 中文 4 0.737 % No
非H 劇情向 中文 4 0.737 % No
偽娘 肛交 中文 4 0.737 % No
桜二等兵 非H 劇情向 3 0.552 % No
203 同人 漢化 3 0.552 % No
Order 桜二等兵 非H 3 0.552 % No
227 同人 漢化 3 0.552 % No
C100 巨乳 中出 3 0.552 % No
中文 203 同人 3 0.552 % No
FateGrand Order 桜二等兵 3 0.552 % No
巨乳 出軌 NTR 2 0.368 % No
貧乳 群交 全彩 2 0.368 % No
乳交 透視 中出 2 0.368 % No
青年漫 巨乳 出軌 2 0.368 % No
亂倫 母親 母子 2 0.368 % No
群交 全彩 中文 2 0.368 % No

Four Word Keywords

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
yaoi 女裝 偽娘 肛交 4 0.737 % No
女裝 偽娘 肛交 中文 4 0.737 % No
227 同人 漢化 C100 3 0.552 % No
FateGrand Order 桜二等兵 非H 3 0.552 % No
桜二等兵 非H 劇情向 中文 3 0.552 % No
中文 203 同人 漢化 3 0.552 % No
Order 桜二等兵 非H 劇情向 3 0.552 % No
203 同人 漢化 C100 3 0.552 % No
异世界不伦勇者異世界不倫勇者 異世界不倫~魔王討伐から十年、妻とはレスの元勇者と、夫を亡くした女戦士~ いのまる 大井昌和 2 0.368 % No
異世界不倫~魔王討伐から十年、妻とはレスの元勇者と、夫を亡くした女戦士~ いのまる 大井昌和 青年漫 2 0.368 % No
青年漫 异世界不伦勇者異世界不倫勇者 異世界不倫~魔王討伐から十年、妻とはレスの元勇者と、夫を亡くした女戦士~ いのまる 2 0.368 % No
單本 青年漫 异世界不伦勇者異世界不倫勇者 異世界不倫~魔王討伐から十年、妻とはレスの元勇者と、夫を亡くした女戦士~ 2 0.368 % No
498K 單本 青年漫 异世界不伦勇者異世界不倫勇者 2 0.368 % No
いのまる 大井昌和 青年漫 巨乳 2 0.368 % No
熟女 人妻 劇情向 中文 2 0.368 % No
C100 全彩 畫冊 巨乳 2 0.368 % No
青年漫 巨乳 出軌 NTR 2 0.368 % No
巨乳 出軌 NTR 熟女 2 0.368 % No
出軌 NTR 熟女 人妻 2 0.368 % No
NTR 熟女 人妻 劇情向 2 0.368 % No

Keyword Usage

The most using keywords match with meta keywords.

Knowledge Base
Keyword usage is the using of your keywords inside Meta tags and contents of your website. Use keywords that describes your site properly for precise search engine result of your website.

Total Words

Total Words : 543

Knowledge Base
Unique words are uncommon words that reflects your site features and informations. Search engine metrics are not intended to use unique words as ranking factor but it is still useful to get a proper picture of your site contents. Using positive unique words like complete, perfect, shiny, is a good idea user experience.

Stop words are common words like all the preposition, some generic words like download, click me, offer, win etc. since most used keyword may be a slight factor for visitors you are encouraged to use more unique words and less stop words.

Text/HTML Ratio Test

Site failed text/HTML ratio test.

Text/HTML Ratio Test : 8%

Knowledge Base
The ideal page's ratio of text to HTML code must be lie between 20 to 60%. Because if it is come less than 20% it means you need to write more text in your web page while in case of more than 60% your page might be considered as spam.

HTML Headings





  • 放置傳說
  • 女神連結
  • 【新遊戲上架】慾神幻想
  • 極樂夜王
  • 會員登錄
  • 選擇語言
  • 切換分流,加速你的網站體驗
  • 友站连结
  • 以圖搜圖
  • 連載更新→右滑看更多→
  • 最新韓漫
  • C100漢化本本
  • 最新漫畫



Knowledge Base
h1 status is the existence of any content inside h1 tag. Although not important like Meta titles and descriptions for search engine ranking but still a good way to describe your contents in search engine result.

h2 status less important but should be used for proper understanding of your website for visitor.


Your site have robot.txt


> User-agent: * Allow: /media/videos/tmb/*/*.jpg Allow: /media/albums/*.jpg Allow: /templates/frontend/ Allow: /media/*.jpg Allow: /media/*/preview.mp4 Disallow: /siteadmin/ Disallow: /cache/ Disallow: /include/ Disallow: /install/ Disallow: /language/ Disallow: /media/ Disallow: /tmp/ Disallow: /classes/ Disallow: /templates/ Disallow: /scripts/ Disallow: /addons/ Disallow: /cron/ Disallow: /contrib/

Knowledge Base
robots.txt is text file that reside on website root directory and contains the instruction for various robots (mainly search engine robots) for how to crawl and indexing your website for their webpage. robots.txt contains the search bots or others bots name, directory list allowed or disallowed to be indexing and crawling for bots, time delay for bots to crawl and indexing and even the sitemap url. A full access or a full restriction or customized access or restriction can be imposed through robots.txt.

robots.txt is very important for SEO. Your website directories will be crawled and indexed on search engine according to robots.txt instructions. So add a robots.txt file in your website root directory. Write it properly including your content enriched pages and other public pages and exclude any pages which contain sensitive information. Remember robots.txt instruction to restrict access to your sensitive information of your page is not formidable on web page security ground. So do not use it on security purpose.
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Your site have sitemap

Knowledge Base
Sitemap is a xml file which contain full list of your website urls. It is used to include directories of your websites for crawling and indexing for search engine and access for users. it can help search engine robots for indexing your website more fast and deeply. It is roughly an opposite of robots.txt You can create a sitemap.xml by various free and paid service or you can write it with proper way (read about how write a sitemap).

Also keep these things in mind:
1) Sitemap must be less than 10 MB (10,485,760 bytes) and can contain maximum 50,000 urls. if you have more uls than this create multiple sitemap files and use a sitemap index file.
2) Put your sitemap in website root directory and add the url of your sitemap in robots.txt.
3) sitemap.xml can be compressed using grip for faster loading.

Broken link: a broken link is an inaccessible link or url of a website. a higher rate of broken links have a negative effect on search engine ranking due to reduced link equity. it also has a bad impact on user experience. There are several reasons for broken link. All are listed below.
1) An incorrect link entered by you.
2) The destination website removed the linked web page given by you. (A common 404 error).
3) The destination website is irreversibly moved or not exists anymore. (Changing domain or site blocked or dysfunctional).
4) User may behind some firewall or alike software or security mechanism that is blocking the access to the destination website.
5) You have provided a link to a site that is blocked by firewall or alike software for outside access.
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Internal Vs. External Links

Total Internal Links? 551
Total External Links? 53

Internal Links

  • /static/_2257
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  • /signup
  • ?shunt=1
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  • ?shunt=3
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  • /search/photos?search_query=多作者
  • /search/photos?search_query=逃兵
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  • /search/photos?search_query=原神P站圖集
  • /search/photos?search_query=
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  • /search/photos?search_query=多作者
  • /search/photos?search_query=逃兵
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  • /search/photos?search_query=原神P站圖集
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  • /search/videos?search_query=Rola
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  • /search/videos?search_query=异种姦
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  • /videos/kajilu
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  • /search/photos?search_query=女高中生
  • /search/photos?search_query=暴力
  • /album/348839/清水健救救我-做的哥哥-禁漫漢化組-piotti-byeong-shimiken
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  • /search/photos?search_query=Byeong
  • /search/photos?search_query=先看完前5話
  • /search/photos?search_query=全彩
  • /search/photos?search_query=禁漫漢化組
  • /album/356196/冰戀-禁漫天堂
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  • /search/photos?search_query=
  • /search/photos?search_query=enti
  • /album/243582/以唇相覆-愿君勿察-ふどのふどう-キスでふさいで-バレないで-零星漢化組x禁漫天堂
  • /search/photos?search_query=ふどのふどう
  • /search/photos?search_query=女性向
  • /album/287234/这样的比较好-双龍-こういうのがいい-禁漫天堂
  • /search/photos?search_query=双龍
  • /album/339995/一屋之下-同一屋檐下-不咕鳥漢化組-禁漫天堂
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  • /album/358279/不要看我這樣xx可不會輸妳啊-禁漫漢化組-こう見えてxxだけは負けないんですけど
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  • /search/photos?search_query=Gaehoju
  • /search/photos?search_query=高個女
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  • /search/photos?search_query=コムラ
  • /search/photos?search_query=百合
  • /album/250782/那位警官-偶尔会化身野兽-禁漫天堂-虎井シグマ-その警察官-ときどき野獣-鍛えたカラダに守られ-襲われる絶倫生活
  • /search/photos?search_query=虎井シグマ
  • /search/photos?search_query=網友大推
  • /album/291194/只有我們知道的世界-禁漫漢化組-カメノアシ-私たちだけが知る世界
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  • /album/344458/千丝万缕的游戏人生-爱玩游戏的女人们-all-about-that-game-life-不咕鳥漢化組-禁漫天堂
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  • /album/340972/因为神搞错了死了之后被塞了一堆作弊性能丢到了异世界-かくろう 石神一威 能都くるみ-神の手違いで死んだらチートガン積みで異世界に放り込まれました
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  • /search/photos?search_query=足交
  • /album/344355/和帥哥研究員的秘密契約關係-禁漫漢化組-イケメン研究員と秘密の契約関係
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  • /search/photos?search_query=辦公女郎
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  • /search/photos?search_query=由克里
  • /album/256394/一個變態的日常生活-another-story-一个变态的日常生活-外传-a-pervert-s-daily-life-as-闖進她的生活-as-禁漫漢化組
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  • /search/photos?search_query=站長推薦
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  • /search/photos?search_query=藍手手
  • /search/photos?search_query=連載
  • /search/photos?search_query=女大生
  • /search/photos?search_query=現代奇幻
  • /search/photos?search_query=校園
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  • /search/photos?search_query=尹坤志
  • /search/photos?search_query=高孫志
  • /album/313472/指導女大生
  • /search/photos?search_query=YoungGun
  • /search/photos?search_query=橘皮
  • /album/321216/姊姊們的調教
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  • /album/378672/image-club的推薦-ezr個人漢化-和田ちん-いめくらのススメ-男の娘風俗で女の子みたいにイカされちゃうアンソロジー-ボクの常連さん-中国翻訳-dl版
  • /search/photos?search_query=和田ちん
  • /album/378677/my-sweet-angel-ezr個人漢化-嘉納あいら-マイスイートエンジェル-男の娘風俗で女の子みたいにイカされちゃうアンソロジー-ボクの常連さん-中国翻訳-dl版
  • /search/photos?search_query=嘉納あいら
  • /album/378676/乳頭情結-ezr個人漢化-瓶人-乳首コンプレックス-男の娘風俗で女の子みたいにイカされちゃうアンソロジー-ボクの常連さん-中国翻訳-dl版
  • /search/photos?search_query=瓶人
  • /album/378772/天煌汉化组-c96-うらしめ-桜二等兵-大乱闘プラスチックシスターズ-fate-grand-order-中国翻訳
  • /search/photos?search_query=桜二等兵
  • /album/378771/天煌汉化组-c95-うらしめ-桜二等兵-南国グリーンアイモンスターズ-fate-grand-order-中国翻訳
  • /album/378770/天煌汉化组-c94-うらしめ-桜二等兵-四丁目デッドドランカー-fate-grand-order-中国翻訳
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External Links


Alexa Rank

Traffic Rank 3181
Reach Rank 4906
Top Country China
Top Country Rank 1145

Domain IP Information

Time Zone

NoIndex , NoFollow, DoDollow Links

Total NoIndex Links 0
Total NoFollow Links 50
Total DoFollow Links 554
NoIndex Enabled By Meta Robot? No
NoFollow Enabled By Meta Robot? No

NoIndex Links

NoFollow Links

Knowledge Base

NoIndex : noindex directive is a meta tag value. noindex directive is for not to show your website on search engine results. You must not set ‘noindex’ as value in meta tags if you want to be your website on search engine result.

By default, a webpage is set to “index.” You should add a <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> directive to a webpage in the <head> section of the HTML if you do not want search engines to crawl a given page and include it in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

DoFollow & NoFollow : nofollow directive is a meta tag value. Nofollow directive is for not to follow any links of your website by search engine bots. You must not set ‘nofollow’ as value in meta tags if you want follow your link by search engine bots.

By default, links are set to “follow.” You would set a link to “nofollow” in this way: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Anchor Text</a> if you want to suggest to Google that the hyperlink should not pass any link equity/SEO value to the link target.

Learn more

SEO Friendly Links

Some links of your site are not SEO friendly.

Not SEO Friendly Links

  • /static/_2257
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Knowledge Base
An SEO friendly link is roughly follows these rules. The url should contain dash as a separator, not to contain parameters and numbers and should be static urls.

To resolve this use these techniques.
1) Replace underscore or other separator by dash, clean url by deleting or replaceing number and parameters.
2) Marge your www and non www urls.
3) Do not use dynamic and related urls. Create an xml sitemap for proper indexing of search engine.
4) Block unfriendly and irrelevant links through robots.txt.
5) Endorse your canonical urls in canonical tag.
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Your site have favicon.

Learn more

Image 'alt' Test

Your site have 23 images without alt text.

Images Without alt

  • /static/resources/images/games/350x70-V2.png
  • /static/resources/files/GAME_ID/JGG/threeup_15_700_140_v5.jpg
  • /static/resources/images/%E8%93%8B%E6%9D%BF%E7%94%A8/20220816_qc_700140_cn.gif
  • /static/resources/files/3D_700X140.gif
  • /static/resources/images/DP2/20220617_DP_700140.gif
  • /static/resources/files/277/mocagyao.jpg
  • /static/resources/files/277/chowhwa.jpg
  • /static/resources/files/20220519_JM_50060_TW.gif
  • /templates/frontend/airav/img/release.svg
  • /templates/frontend/airav/img/social_fb.svg
  • /templates/frontend/airav/img/phicon/paper_box.svg
  • /templates/frontend/airav/img/phicon/paper_box.svg
  • /templates/frontend/airav/img/float-right-open.png?v=
  • /templates/frontend/airav/img/float-right-close.png?v=
  • /static/resources/images/20220728_CM_956264_TW.gif
  • /static/resources/images/20220519_JM_956264_TW.gif
  • /static/resources/images/20220816_JM_956264.gif
  • /static/resources/images/fannzu_15_728_90_v16.gif

Knowledge Base
An alternate title for image. Alt attribute content to describe an image. It is necessary for notifying search engine spider and improve actability to your website. So put a suitable title for your image at least those are your website content not including the images for designing your website. To resolve this put a suitable title in your alt attributes.
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DOC Type

DOC Type : <!doctype html>

Page have doc type.

Knowledge Base
doc type is not SEO factor but it is checked for validating your web page. So set a doctype at your html page.
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Depreciated HTML Tag

Your site have 1 depreciated HTML tags.

Depreciated HTML Tags

  • applet : 0
  • basefont : 0
  • center : 1
  • dir : 0
  • font : 0
  • isindex : 0
  • menu : 0
  • s : 0
  • strike : 0
  • u : 0

Knowledge Base
Older HTML tags and attributes that have been superseded by other more functional or flexible alternatives (whether as HTML or as CSS ) are declared as deprecated in HTML4 by the W3C - the consortium that sets the HTML standards. Browsers should continue to support deprecated tags and attributes, but eventually these tags are likely to become obsolete and so future support cannot be guaranteed.

HTML Page Size

HTML Page Size : 330 KB

HTML page size is > 100KB

Knowledge Base
HTML page size is the one of the main factors of webpage loading time. It should be less than 100 KB according to google recommendation. Note that, this size not including external css, js or images files. So small page size less loading time.

To reduce your page size do this steps
1) Move all your css and js code to external file.
2) make sure your text content be on top of the page so that it can displayed before full page loading.
3) Reduce or compress all the image, flash media file etc. will be better if these files are less than 100 KB
Learn more

GZIP Compression

GZIP compression is disabled.

Knowledge Base
GZIP is a generic compressor that can be applied to any stream of bytes: under the hood it remembers some of the previously seen content and attempts to find and replace duplicate data fragments in an efficient way - for the curious, great low-level explanation of GZIP. However, in practice, GZIP performs best on text-based content, often achieving compression rates of as high as 70-90% for larger files, whereas running GZIP on assets that are already compressed via alternative algorithms (e.g. most image formats) yields little to no improvement. It is also recommended that, GZIP compressed size should be <=33 KB

Inline CSS

Your site have 431 inline css.

Inline CSS

  • <img style="max-width: 265px;" class="lazy_img" src="" data-original="/templates/frontend/airav/img/phicon/search-board.png">
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Knowledge Base
Inline css is the css code reside in html page under html tags not in external .css file. Inline css increases the loading time of your webpage which is an important search engine ranking factor. So try not to use inline css.

Internal CSS

Your site have 5 internal css.

Knowledge Base
Internal css is the css codes which resides on html page inside style tag. Internal css is increases loading time since no page caching is possible for internal css. Try to put your css code in external file.

Micro Data Schema Test

Site failed micro data schema test.

Knowledge Base
Micro data is the information underlying a html string or paragraph. Consider a string “Avatar”, it could refer a profile picture on forum, blog or social networking site or may it refer to a highly successful 3D movie. Microdot is used to specify the reference or underlying information about an html string. Microdata gives chances to search engine and other application for better understanding of your content and better display significantly on search result.
Learn more

IP & DNS Report

IPv6 2606:4700:11::6817:8611
DNS Report

IP Canonicalization Test

Site failed IP canonicalization test.

Knowledge Base
If multiple domain name is registered under single ip address the search bots can label other sites as duplicates of one sites. This is ip canonicalization. Little bit like url canonicalizaion. To solve this use redirects.
Learn more

URL Canonicalization Test

Site passed URL canonicalization test.

Knowledge Base
Canonical tags make your all urls those lead to a single address or webpage into a single url. Like :
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
Both refer to the link So all the different url with same content or page now comes under the link or url Which will boost up your search engine ranking by eliminating content duplication. Use canonical tag for all the same urls.
Learn more

Plain Text Email Test

Site passed plain text email test. No plain text email found.

Knowledge Base
Plain text email address is vulnerable to email scrapping agents. An email scrapping agent crawls your website and collects every Email address which written in plain text. So existence of plain text email address in your website can help spammers in email Harvesting. This could be a bad sign for search engine.

To fight this you can obfuscate your email addresses in several ways:
1) CSS pseudo classes.
2) Writing backward your email address.
3) Turn of display using css.
4) Obfuscate your email address using javascript.
5) Using wordpress and php (wordpress site only).
Learn more

CURL Response

url typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
http code200header size816
request size248filetime-1
ssl verify result20redirect count1
total time0.154617namelookup time0.038424
connect time0.041801pretransfer time0.052254
size upload0size download338023
speed download2186195speed upload0
download content length-1upload content length0
starttransfer time0.149295redirect time0.052941
redirect urlprimary ip104.23.134.17
certinfoprimary port443
local ip10.121.0.10local port33766

Mobile Friendly Check

Mobile Friendly : Unknown

Score : Unknown

Localized Rule Name Rule Impact
No data to show.
Roboted Resources:
Transient Fetch Failure Resources:

Google Page Speed Insight (Mobile)


Usability Score

Page Statistics

Avoid App Install Interstitials That Hide Content

Your page does not appear to have any app install interstitials that hide a significant amount of content. Learn more about the importance of avoiding the use of app install interstitials.

Avoid Plugins

Your page does not appear to use plugins, which would prevent content from being usable on many platforms. Learn more about the importance of avoiding plugins.

Configure Viewport

Your Page Specifies A Viewport Matching The Device's Size, Which Allows It To Render Properly On All Devices. Learn More About configuring viewports.

Size Content To Viewport

The contents of your page fit within the viewport. Learn more about sizing content to the viewport.

Size Tap Targets Appropriately

All Of Your Page's Links/buttons Are Large Enough For A User To Easily Tap On A Touchscreen. Learn More About sizing tap targets appropriately.

Use Legible Font Sizes

The text on your page is legible. Learn more about using legible font sizes.

Landing Page Redirects

Your page has no redirects. Learn more about avoiding landing page redirects

GZIP Compression

You have compression enabled. Learn more about enabling compression.

Leverage Browser Caching

You have enabled browser caching. Learn more about browser caching recommendations.

Server Response Time

Your server responded quickly. Learn more about server response time optimization.

Minify CSS

Your CSS is minified. Learn more about minifying CSS.

Minify HTML

Your HTML is minified. Learn more about minifying HTML.

Minify JavaScript

Your JavaScript content is minified. Learn more about minifying HTML.

Render-blocking JavaScript And CSS

You have no render-blocking resources. Learn more about removing render-blocking resources.

Optimize Images

Your images are optimized. Learn more about optimizing images.

Prioritize Visible Content

You have the above-the-fold content properly prioritized. Learn more about prioritizing visible content.

Google Page Speed Insight (Desktop)

Page Statistics


Landing Page Redirects

Your page has no redirects. Learn more about avoiding landing page redirects

GZIP Compression

You have compression enabled. Learn more about enabling compression.

Leverage Browser Caching

You have enabled browser caching. Learn more about browser caching recommendations.

Server Response Time

Your server responded quickly. Learn more about server response time optimization.

Minify CSS

Your CSS is minified. Learn more about minifying CSS.

Minify HTML

Your HTML is minified. Learn more about minifying HTML.

Minify JavaScript

Your JavaScript content is minified. Learn more about minifying HTML.

Render-blocking JavaScript And CSS

You have no render-blocking resources. Learn more about removing render-blocking resources.

Optimize Images

Your images are optimized. Learn more about optimizing images.

Prioritize Visible Content

You have the above-the-fold content properly prioritized. Learn more about prioritizing visible content.