The MongoRegex class

(PECL mongo >=0.8.1)


This extension that defines this class is deprecated. Instead, the MongoDB extension should be used. Alternatives to this class include:


This class can be used to create regular expressions. Typically, these expressions will be used to query the database and find matching strings. More unusually, they can be saved to the database and retrieved.

Regular expressions consist of four parts. First a / as starting delimiter, then the pattern, another / and finally a string containing flags.

Beispiel #1 Regular expression pattern


MongoDB recognizes six regular expression flags:

  • i: Case insensitive

  • m: Multiline

  • x: Can contain comments

  • l: locale

  • s: dotall, "." matches everything, including newlines

  • u: match unicode


MongoRegex {
/* Fields */
public string $regex ;
public string $flags ;
/* Methoden */
public __construct ( string $regex )
public __toString ( void ) : string
