
(PECL wincache >= 1.1.0)

wincache_scache_meminfo Retrieves information about session cache memory usage


wincache_scache_meminfo ( void ) : array

Retrieves information about memory usage by session cache.


Array of meta data about session cache memory usage Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.

The array returned by this function contains the following elements:

  • memory_total - amount of memory in bytes allocated for the session cache
  • memory_free - amount of free memory in bytes available for the session cache
  • num_used_blks - number of memory blocks used by the session cache
  • num_free_blks - number of free memory blocks available for the session cache
  • memory_overhead - amount of memory in bytes used for the session cache internal structures


Beispiel #1 A wincache_scache_meminfo() example


Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:

    [memory_total] => 5242880 
    [memory_free] => 5215056 
    [num_used_blks] => 6 
    [num_free_blks] => 3 
    [memory_overhead] => 176

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