(PECL imagick 2.0.0)
ImagickDraw::composite — Composites an image onto the current image
, float $x
, float $y
, float $width
, float $height
, Imagick $compositeWand
) : boolDiese Funktion ist bis jetzt nicht dokumentiert. Es steht nur die Liste der Argumente zur Verfügung.
Composites an image onto the current image, using the specified composition operator, specified position, and at the specified size.
composition operator. One of COMPOSITE_ constants
x coordinate of the top left corner
y coordinate of the top left corner
width of the composition image
height of the composition image
the Imagick object where composition image is taken from
Liefert TRUE
bei Erfolg.
Beispiel #1 ImagickDraw::composite()
function composite($strokeColor, $fillColor, $backgroundColor) {
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
$draw->rectangle(0, 0, 1000, 300);
$draw->annotation(50, 180, "Lorem Ipsum!");
//Create an image object which the draw commands can be rendered into
$imagick = new \Imagick();
$imagick->newImage(1000, 302, $backgroundColor);
//Render the draw commands in the ImagickDraw object
//into the image.
//Send the image to the browser
header("Content-Type: image/png");
echo $imagick->getImageBlob();