(No version information available, might only be in Git)
Session::setSavepoint — Create savepoint
] ) : stringCreate a new savepoint for the transaction.
Cette fonction est actuellement non documentée ; seule la liste des arguments est disponible.
The name of the savepoint. The name is auto-generated if the optional name parameter is not defined as 'SAVEPOINT1', 'SAVEPOINT2', and so on.
The name of the save point.
Exemple #1 mysql_xdevapi\Session::setSavepoint() example
$session = mysql_xdevapi\getSession("mysqlx://user:password@localhost");
$collection = $session->getSchema("addressbook")->getCollection("names");
$collection->add( '{"test1":1, "test2":2}' )->execute();
$savepoint = $session->setSavepoint();
$collection->add( '{"test3":3, "test4":4}' )->execute();