(PECL seaslog >=1.1.6)
SeasLog::analyzerDetail — Get log detail by level, log_path, key_word, start, limit, order
[, string $log_path
[, string $key_word
[, int $start
[, int $limit
[, int $order
]]]]] ) : mixed`SeasLog` get results of `grep -ai '{level}' | grep -ai '{key_word}' | sed -n '{start},{limit}'p` use system pipe and return array to PHP.
String. The log information level.
String. The log information path.
String. The search key word for log information.
Int. Default is `1`.
Int. Default is `20`.
Int. Default is SEASLOG_DETAIL_ORDER_ASC. See also:
Return results as array.
When `start`,`limit` is not NULL and in Windows, SeasLog will threw exception with message 'Param start and limit don't support Windows'.
Exemple #1 SeasLog::analyzerDetail() example
$result1 = SeasLog::analyzerDetail(SEASLOG_ERROR);
//with `logger` and `key_word`
$result2 = SeasLog::analyzerDetail(SEASLOG_ERROR,'test/logger/','neeke');
//with `start` and `limit`
$result3 = SeasLog::analyzerDetail(SEASLOG_ERROR,'test/logger/','neeke',1,2);
L'exemple ci-dessus va afficher quelque chose de similaire à :
array(20) { [0]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:53 | ERROR | 12247 | 5b42ea2580e51 | 1531111973.528 | log message from neeke" [1]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:54 | ERROR | 12256 | 5b42ea26d6657 | 1531111974.878 | log message from neeke" [2]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:55 | ERROR | 12265 | 5b42ea277b8d4 | 1531111975.506 | log message from neeke" [3]=> string(104) "2018-07-09 12:52:55 | ERROR | 12274 | 5b42ea27db5dc | 1531111975.898 | log message from the other people" ... } array(3) { [0]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:53 | ERROR | 12247 | 5b42ea2580e51 | 1531111973.528 | log message from neeke" [1]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:54 | ERROR | 12256 | 5b42ea26d6657 | 1531111974.878 | log message from neeke" [2]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:55 | ERROR | 12265 | 5b42ea277b8d4 | 1531111975.506 | log message from neeke" } array(2) { [0]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:53 | ERROR | 12247 | 5b42ea2580e51 | 1531111973.528 | log message from neeke" [1]=> string(93) "2018-07-09 12:52:54 | ERROR | 12256 | 5b42ea26d6657 | 1531111974.878 | log message from neeke" }