(PHP 5 < 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN)
SWFFont::__construct — Loads a font definition
)Эта функция является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОЙ. Поведение этой функции, ее имя и относящаяся к ней документация могут измениться в последующих версиях PHP без уведомления. Используйте эту функцию на свой страх и риск.
If filename
is the name of an FDB file
(i.e., it ends in ".fdb"), load the font definition found in said
file. Otherwise, create a browser-defined font reference.
FDB ("font definition block") is a very simple wrapper for the SWF DefineFont2 block which contains a full description of a font. One may create FDB files from SWT Generator template files with the included makefdb utility- look in the util directory off the main ming distribution directory.
Browser-defined fonts don't contain any information about the font other than its name. It is assumed that the font definition will be provided by the movie player. The fonts _serif, _sans, and _typewriter should always be available. For example:
$f = newSWFFont("_sans");