
Bu » PECL eklentisi PHP ile gelmez.

Bu PECL eklentisini kurma bilgisi kılavuzun PECL eklentisinin kurulması başlıklı faslında bulunabilir. Yeni dağıtımlar, indirmeler, kaynak dosyaları, sürdürücü bilgileri ve CHANGELOG gibi ek bilgiyi şu adreste bulabilirsiniz: » https://pecl.php.net/package/blenc

It's strongly recommended to install BLENC from sources without 'pecl' command. In this way you can:

  • Specify your personal encryption key used to create redistributable keys. Your sourcecode will be more difficult to decrypt also for users that can read your key_file on webserver.
  • Specify a expiration date for the BLENC module. With expiration date you can decide that BLENC module on target system will work until a date. After that BLENC will not decrypt any files.
All these configuration options are stored into header file: blenc_protect.h

Please read the content of blenc_protect.h in sources of BLENC to know how set these hardcoded options.