
(PECL ev >= 0.2.0)

EvLoop::nowUpdateEstablishes the current time by querying the kernel, updating the time returned by EvLoop::now in the progress


public EvLoop::nowUpdate ( void ) : void

Establishes the current time by querying the kernel, updating the time returned by EvLoop::now() in the progress. This is a costly operation and is usually done automatically within EvLoop::run() .


Bu işlevin değiştirgesi yoktur.

Dönen Değerler

Hiçbir değer dönmez.

Ayrıca Bakınız

  • EvLoop::now() - Returns the current "event loop time"
  • Ev::nowUpdate() - Establishes the current time by querying the kernel, updating the time returned by Ev::now in the progress