The SolrQueryResponse class

(PECL solr >= 0.9.2)


Represents a response to a query request.

Обзор классов

final SolrQueryResponse extends SolrResponse {
/* Константы */
const integer PARSE_SOLR_OBJ = 0 ;
const integer PARSE_SOLR_DOC = 1 ;
/* Наследуемые свойства */
const integer SolrResponse::PARSE_SOLR_OBJ = 0 ;
const integer SolrResponse::PARSE_SOLR_DOC = 1 ;
protected integer $http_status ;
protected integer $parser_mode ;
protected bool $success ;
protected string $http_status_message ;
protected string $http_request_url ;
protected string $http_raw_request_headers ;
protected string $http_raw_request ;
protected string $http_raw_response_headers ;
protected string $http_raw_response ;
protected string $http_digested_response ;
/* Методы */
public __construct ( void )
public __destruct ( void ) : void
/* Наследуемые методы */
public SolrResponse::getDigestedResponse ( void ) : string
public SolrResponse::getHttpStatus ( void ) : int
public SolrResponse::getHttpStatusMessage ( void ) : string
public SolrResponse::getRawRequest ( void ) : string
public SolrResponse::getRawRequestHeaders ( void ) : string
public SolrResponse::getRawResponse ( void ) : string
public SolrResponse::getRawResponseHeaders ( void ) : string
public SolrResponse::getRequestUrl ( void ) : string
public SolrResponse::setParseMode ([ int $parser_mode = 0 ] ) : bool
public SolrResponse::success ( void ) : bool

Предопределенные константы

SolrQueryResponse Class constants


Documents should be parsed as SolrObject instances


Documents should be parsed as SolrDocument instances.
